The Staff
Bob and Carolyn Losch
Executive Director

Rose McIntyre
Rose was born in 1931, to a loving, Christian family. She had four siblings; three are now in heaven. Rose accepted the Lord as her personal Savior when she was about 12 years old during a “Rally Day Sunday.” Her Sunday School teacher helped her during this decision by praying with her.
In 1954, Rose married Jim McIntyre and together they served the Lord in several ministries. They had five children, who all married Christian mates. She now has 11 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild coming soon.
Rose became involved with Mission Possible in 1992; she knew the Directors, Bob and Carolyn Losch, for many years and felt the need to volunteer in their ministry. When Jim passed away in 1999, she continued on with the Mission.
Some of her responsibilities are helping/cooking on many Mission trips, bookkeeping, receipting, sending of Birthday cards, scrapbooking all 96+ Mission trips, organizing and helping with mailings, and praying daily for the ministry.
She considers it a privilege to be able to serve her Lord in this way.
Rose’s verse is Psalm 126:3 “The Lord has done great things for me and I am glad.”